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Admitted Students


祝贺你被康考迪亚大学欧文分校录取! 你独特的天赋让你与众不同 让你成为康科迪亚家族的完美成员. 我们期待着欢迎你来到我们的校园. Here 接下来的步骤会帮助你顺利过渡到康考迪亚大学吗.

如果你有任何问题,请不要犹豫 connect with your Admissions Counselor. We’re here to help.

Checklist for Admitted Students

Printer-Friendly Checklist

1. 激活您的学生登录凭证.

When? Immediately following acceptance.


Go to to activate all of the 您需要在线资源的凭据. 这些包括你的Eagles电子邮件地址和你的MyRecords 帐户查看财政援助部门要求的文件, along with your financial aid award.

请务必定期检查您的鹰电子邮件帐户. 您将收到填写所需的重要信息 your enrollment, on-campus housing, setting up your course schedule, and all official communication from the university.

Get Started with Login Instructions

2. Access your financial aid award.

When? Beginning in December.
截止日期:3月2日FAFSA和Cal Grant.


12月开始向完成FAFSA的学生通知经济援助奖励. You will receive 通过你的老鹰电子邮件和邮寄地址发送你的获奖信.


在你收到助学金之后, 我们鼓励你安排一个经济援助预约 讨论你的预期费用,经济援助奖励和付款方式. The appointment will last 大约30分钟,强烈鼓励家庭成员参加.

Schedule a Financial Aid Appointment
Guide to Complete Financial Aid

3. 正式提交你的定金吧.

Deadlines: May 1 for Fall start.*

为了确认你在新班级的位置,你需要提交一个不可退还的300美元 enrollment deposit.

存款可以通过信用卡或电子支票安全地在网上进行. If you prefer to pay by mail, checks can be sent to:

Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Concordia University Irvine
1530 Concordia West
Irvine, CA 92612

Pay Your Deposit


4. Verify your housing and meal plans.

When? Applications open March 15 for Fall start; November 1 for Spring start.
Deadlines: June 1 for priority Housing Application; August 1 for Off-Campus Housing Appeal


CUI要求所有21岁或以下的全日制本科生住校,除非 与父母、监护人或家庭成员同住的. 住房申请和膳食计划合同可以 在线完成时,您激活您的 eRezLife account.

如果你打算成为一名通勤学生, 你必须在8月1日之前提交校外住房申诉表. 此表单可以在激活您的 eRezLife account.

Guide to Complete Housing Form

5. Register for classes.

When? The Class Registration Survey will be sent starting in May for Fall start; starting in November for Spring start.


课程注册调查将发送到您的电子邮件地址或可以在下面访问. The survey will 确认你选择的专业,并收集其他必要的信息来建立你的第一学期课程 schedule. Please reply immediately.

在所有正式的大学和高中成绩单完成后,转学生才会被录取 由本科招生办公室收到.

Your academic advisor will enroll you in classes and direct you to MyRecords to view your class schedule. 课程开始后,欢迎您预约与您的老师见面 academic advisor.

Class Registration Survey

6. Review your student billing statement.

When? Following your registration for classes.


您的学生帐户包含与您的注册课程相关的所有费用列表 semester. 任何/所有的经济援助、个人付款和其他学分都反映在学生身上 每个学期的账户,并可以与财务处结算. Review deadlines, billing and payment instructions on the Office of the Bursar website.

一旦你注册了课程, 帐单帐单将通过电子邮件发送到您的Eagles电子邮件地址 你的个人地址也在我们的记录里.


View Student Bill
Guide to Complete Payment

7. Complete health clearance requirements.

Deadlines: August 1 for Fall start; December 1 for Spring start


所有即将入学的学生,无论住在校内还是校外,都需要关注健康 clearance requirements issued by the Wellness Center. 你可以进入病人的门户在 to complete forms and upload files.

Complete Health Clearance Requirements


8. Submit official transcripts.

Deadlines: July 1 for Fall Start; December 1 for Spring start


一年级学生必须直接提交正式的高中成绩单(含毕业日期) their high school.

转校生必须直接从学校提交所就读院校的正式成绩单 直接从高中毕业的大学和正式的高中成绩单(带毕业日期) school.

成绩单可以通过电子方式(通过羊皮纸或国家学生亚洲体育博彩平台)发送到办公室 或邮寄至:

Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Concordia University Irvine
1530 Concordia West
Irvine, CA 92612

Important Dates for New Students

我们强烈建议你来学校参加以下专门为被录取的学生设计的活动. 我们希望在此之前,你能有机会 visit our beautiful campus!

CU Center

CU Soon: Summer Orientations

June 3 or 17, 2023 (students only need to attend one day)

Event Details


WOW and New Student Move-In Day

Week of Welcome

August 18, 2023

Event Details

Eagle Golf Classic

First Day of Classes

August 21, 2023

Schedule a Visit
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